Are you ever tempted to step into the disruptive space that is the news of the moment?
I've been there over and over and over.
My desktop is filled with the draft posts I made the time to write and never released into the chaotic stratosphere.
Before I share, comment or dive deeply into something created by someone else I ask myself:
✢ What point do I want to make?
✢ Why is this the right space for me to make it?
✢ How am I expressing my understanding of the topic I’m experiencing a reaction to?
This practice of pausing kept me from engaging in what later turned out to be distractions.
During this life I've been given - which has an end date I've not been given - I seek to facilitate conversations leading to speedy results using the tools of our time.
LinkedIn, Instagram and any place where you read, comment and share is a tool of our time. Is it possible to use it to move us to action and results or will we stay in conflict and stuck?
Conflict bores me.
My prayer is that we experience a seismic shift where informed points of view share what we're for and reinvent the systems that need our attention.
In order to get big things done we must know what's important to us and make the time to build that up over and over and over again.
These are ten evergreen strategies to move through disruption as the confident leader you are.
1. Every single person on the planet has had a different life experience than every single person they have met, lived with or worked with. The best way for people to learn about each other is to work on something they both want to achieve.
2. Human beings have disagreed with one another for centuries, yet growth has still been achieved. When success is reached, they can reflect on what they learned about each other while achieving progress.
3. When fear stops us from acting it cripples progress. It takes courage to move through the unknown, past failure or doing something no one has done before. When you do move past fear acknowledge this in yourself and reflect on it routinely.
4. Our minds can make us healthy or make us sick. Ask yourself how you measure the actions you take in a day to build your healthy mind.
5. Who you make time to be with matters. Are you making time for people in whose presence you feel good?
6. Being a student of history is a powerful way to improve how you participate in conversation. What can you add to conversations that you’ve learned from deepening your understanding?
7. The most successful people in the world spend the least amount of time in conflict and the most amount of time in idea generation and collaboration. Measure your daily idea implementation.
8. The members of successful teams are taught to repeatedly shine a light on solutions, even when the team members disagree. This practice decreases the tendency of team members to misunderstand the actions of another or take things personally.
9. Our problems have a pattern. Know your pattern. Have fewer problems. Self-awareness is a lifelong practice. Enjoy it as part of your daily routine and share it with a trusted few.
10. Time stops for nothing. Your competition knows this. Make sure your time includes regenerative actions.
Let me know your favorite or one that moved you to something new.